The SNO FLEX Pro theme is built around the idea of giving site owners complete flexibility with easy to customize options for every aspect of their sites.
The SNO Design Options page, available by clicking Design Options under the SNO Dashboard dropdown menu at the top of the page, allows you to change locations of all of the header and footer elements such as navigation bars and social media icons, and change all the site’s colors, fonts, and styles.
On the SNO Design Options page, you can also choose how you want to layout your home, story, category, and staff pages. Clicking under the Site Designer section of the SNO Design Page allows you to see which widgets are in which widget areas on your homepage. Clicking on the Story Page Templates section lets you customize the default story page templates using the Story Template Editor. Clicking on the Category Pages section and the Staff Page lets you choose which style you’d like for each page.
Your site has eight widget styles that you can define on the SNO Design Options page. In addition, each SNO widget can be set to its own widget style and further given a custom design.
When your site was built, it had a default text header with your publication’s name and tagline. In the Site Designer of your SNO Design Options page, there’s a place to upload a custom header graphic to give your site its own identity.
Navigation menus on your site can created and edited by clicking Edit Navigation Menus under the SNO Dashboard dropdown menu at the top of the page tab.